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Bestyrelsen EMDR Italien har modtaget en invitation fra Pave Francis  som gerne vil vide mere om EMDR terapi. Isabel Fernandes fortæller her om mødet. 



Dear colleagues, some weeks ago we got an invitation from Pope Francis, through his office, to attend one of his Audiences. The Pope had heard about EMDR Therapy by some testimonials in the Church and he knew about its effectiveness in the field of sexual abuse and mass disasters, mainly those where we had intervened with humanitarian programmes. He invited EMDR Italy Association to have a personal meeting to know us directly. The appointment was for Wednesday May 11th. The Italian EMDR Board was the delegation  representing the Association. In the meeting I had the opportunity to talk with him about EMDR and the network of organizations around the world and how we contribute to give relief after traumatic and painful experiences. We gave him a present with one phrase of Francine Shapiro: "It is our duty to share the gift of an effective treatment". He encouraged us to continue with our mission and to keep working with our professionalism and dedication. At the end he gave his blessing to the members of the Associations and to their families. This meeting will stay in the history of EMDR therapy as one of the most beautiful moments. Isabel Fernandez


  • Info

    EMDR er blevet anerkendt af WHO som en af de bedste behandlingsterapier til behandling af især stress relaterede lidelser, foruden adskillige forskningsundersøgelser har vist, at EMDR er en af mest effektive terapier til behandling af PTSD.

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