Vores dybeste medfølelse for Ukraine. Vores kære EMDR ven Oksana, der er formand for EMDR Ukraine har bedt om hjælp fra alle EMDR terapeuter i de 38 nationale associationer i Europa.
Hjælp til fred ved at tilbyde jeres hjælp til de flygtninge, der er ved at sprede sig i Europa. Vi ved om nogen, som EMDR terapeuter, hvordan krigstraumer kan ødelægge et liv gennem mange generationer, og EMDR Europa har bedt os om at yde dette på vegne af EMDR Ukraine.
Alle vore hjerter græder over denne dybt ulykkelige og vanvittige situation.
Det var Dr. Francine Shapiro´s ønske (grundlægger af EMDR terapi)- at bringe lindring og håb til mennesker rundt omkring i verden med EMDR terapi. Også som en måde at stoppe grusomhederne og at opbygge fred blandt mennesker.
Både EMDR Europa, og som national association EMDR Danmark, tager vi hver især vores ansvar, ved at hjælpe med og støtte op om de lidelser, befolkningen i Ukraine er blevet påført, som følge af den aktuelle situation i Ukraine.
Bestyrelsen EMDR Danmark
TAE Danmark
Brev fra EMDR Europe:
Dear Oksana and friends from the board,
we prepared this press release that will go to our stakeholders in Europe and all our contacts in other European Associations and in the EU Parliament. We are sending it to different institutions also in our countries. We will put it in our website and Facebook page and I would like to request you to do the same and to send it to institutions that you work with. You can translate it and post it. Thanks so much and we will be trying to organize support to our colleagues involved. We are in deep sorrow and pain for them.... Isabel EMDR Europe association represents 38 National Associations from all over Europe, and more than 30.000 psychotherapists specialized in EMDR a powerful therapy for post-traumatic disorders and other
mental conditions, with recommandation from the World Health Organization.
As psychotherapists and specialists in psychological trauma, we know the severe psychological impacts of war and we are aware that this creates long lasting traumatization in many ways for several generations. All European countries have been exposed to war in the last century and these sad hours are again in the mind of all of us now. This is another reason why we need to stop war.
We would like to send our deepest sympathy to the individuals exposed, their families and loved ones. We are in great pain and sorrow for the people, the families, the children, and also our Ukrainian colleagues and their patients. We are all suffering together with them.
We are deeply saddened and concerned by the situation in Ukraine and we urge all decision makers across Europe to engage in peaceful measures that could bring an end to this suffering of our brothers and sisters in Eastern Europe.
It was the hope of Francine Shapiro Ph.D., the developer of EMDR, to bring relief to people around the world with EMDR, also as a way to stop the circle of violence and enhance peace among humans. EMDR Europe and the EMDR National Associations over Europe will continue to follow this quest for peace, especially in such a period of our European history.
EMDR Europe Association and its members take their responsibility as National EMDR Associations and as psychotherapists and are ready to provide specialized psychological aid and support and bring relief to the individuals from Ukraine who are fleeing from their country.
In the same manner we expect that decisions makers in Europe and elsewhere will take any decision that will bring the crisis in Ukraine to an end and limit the humain suffering as much as possible.
We are willing to do everything we can so that peace will prevail very soon.
Isabel Fernandez (President - Italy) - Olivier Piedfort Marin (Vice President - Switzerland) - Eva Muenker-Kramer (Vice President - Austria) - Maeve Crowley (Secretary United Kingdom) - Judit Havelka (Treasurer . Hungary)
EMDR er blevet anerkendt af WHO som en af de bedste behandlingsterapier til behandling af især stress relaterede lidelser, foruden adskillige forskningsundersøgelser har vist, at EMDR er en af mest effektive terapier til behandling af PTSD.
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E-mail: info@emdr.dk - svartid: 1-3 dage
CVR nr. 31927625
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