Til forsiden af EMDR

At uddanne sig til EMDR træner:

Man kan tidligst starte sin træning til EMDR træner 2 år efter man er uddannet facilitator. Man skal godkendes af EMDR Danmark, EMDR Europa og søger man også EMDR Institut,US, skal man også godkense af dem.

Man skal bruge en EMDR Europa godkendt seniortræner som mentor.

Man skal ud over at følge sin mentor i undervisningen på grundtræningerne også gennemgå en træners træning i EMDR Europe og også gerne gennem EMDR Institute, US

Man skal reakkrediteres efter 5 år. Se kriterieren nederst på siden.


Information for all new EMDR trainer applicants

Before you begin the application processes, you will have been trained to facilitate on an EMDR Europe-accredited training course and have successfully achieved this on at least five separate training courses (all parts). You will also have been mentored as a trainee trainer by a Senior EMDR Trainer who agrees that you are now ready to make this application.

It is advisable to submit your training course for accreditation at the same time as your trainer application. However, you may submit this once your trainer accreditation has been approved.

A non-returnable fee of 750 Euros is payable.

Accreditation as a trainer is the highest standard that EMDR Europe can award. The Standards Committee will strive to be rigorous and fair to all applicants and treat them equally.

It is your responsibility as an applicant to make sure that the Standards Committee receives all the required documentation and videos. Please email copies of all documents in order to speed up the process and to avoid an excessive amount of paperwork. Your accreditation process does not start until everything has been received and your fee has been paid.

Once all your material has arrived and has been checked, an independent case handler will be appointed and you will be informed who this is. All your information will then be forwarded to your case handler and he/she will review your written material and assess your videos. This may require seeking further information or clarification from you. When that process is complete, your case handler will make a full report and recommendation to the Standards Committee.

Your case handler can make one of three recommendations to the committee:

1. To accept your accreditation; or 2. To ask you to re-apply; or 3. To reject your application.

Your application will then be discussed by the whole Standards Committee (minus any committee member from your own country, or anyone who might be considered to have a conflict of interests with you, either positive or negative). The Committee will then come to a final decision which will be one of the three above. If the Committee decides (2) or (3), you will be informed of the reasons and told how to proceed. We all of course hope that it will be (1), but even if you do not achieve this first time, please see this as a learning opportunity. The Committee’s aim is to enable the development of good trainers.


Kriterierne for at blive EMDR træner:



IMPORTANT: If any written or recorded information is not in English, a translation must be provided.

1 Licensing/Registration

You must provide a copy of your licence/registration as a mental health practitioner or clinician in your own country and evidence that you are a member of your national association.

2 Clinical Experience

You must provide:

  1. (a)  Two videos of your EMDR practice. The first video should be of a complete EMDR therapy session from the end of phase 2 (explanation of EMDR, reminding of safe place and stop sign) to phase 7. Phases 1 and 8 should be provided in writing (diagnosis etc). The second video should demonstrate your ability to use a Cognitive Interweave appropriately. (This video might be quite short). Both videos must be to the standard of an EMDR seminar teaching video. They must demonstrate that your understanding and ability to practice the EMDR protocol is at the level that would be expected of a trainer.

  2. (b)  Proof of a minimum of 2 years’ post-certification experience as an EMDR consultant with evidence of thorough experience of clinical practice. This will include evidence of having treated acute and complex trauma and chronic complex dissociative disorders. This must be corroborated by a written statement from an accredited trainer.

  3. (c)  Proof of attendance at a minimum of 5 complete training courses (all parts), where you were assessed to have successfully facilitated small group live practice and practical exercises, including work with Cognitive Interweave techniques. (Written confirmation must be provided by a senior trainer).

3 Professional standing in the field of trauma

You must provide:

  1. (a)  Proof of at least 40% of professional time in clinical practice (including clinical supervision).

  2. (b)  Proof of sufficient standing within the clinical and trauma field (clinical references, publications, general reputation). (Personal references may be from academic colleagues or peers).

4 Teaching Experience

You must provide:

a) Proof of sufficient general teaching experience (statement from teaching institution).

b) Two references regarding teaching experience from academic colleagues or peers.

c) You must be mentored teaching parts (approximately 30 minutes each) of an approved EMDR Europe training course until you are judged by an approved EMDR Europe senior trainer to be competent. You must demonstrate your ability to:

Present the material in a clear and informative manner which adheres to Shapiro’s latest edition of her text “EMDR: Principles, Procedures and Protocols”.
Engage effectively with the audience.

Answer questions from the audience appropriately. Demonstrate your ability to manage group process.

This must be done on a minimum of 4 occasions. Your mentor (senior trainer) may require you to provide further teaching presentations. The 4 presentations will be made up as follows:

2 presentations will be of teaching parts of the eight-phase protocol.
1 presentation will involve teaching the Cognitive Interweave or Blocked Processing.
1 presentation will involve teaching the Adaptive Information Processing model or outlining current EMDR related research.

The assessing EMDR Europe approved Senior Trainer must provided a written testimonial stating that you have met the above criteria.

 d) video evidence

In addition, you must provide a full unedited video of one of the above presentations which took place during an accredited EMDR Europe training. This will include answering questions from the audience. This video must demonstrate that your presentation and teaching skills meet the highest professional standards.


A member of the EMDR Europe Standards Sub-Committee, who is not from your country, has observed your EMDR presentation and assessed that your teaching skills meet the highest professional standards.

Please note: On each occasion, the assessing EMDR Europe approved trainer will use as a guide the Presenter’s Evaluation Form in order to ensure that all applicants are being assessed to meet similar standards.

5 National EMDR Association

You must provide evidence that your national EMDR Association is aware of your application.

6 Ethical standing and Integrity

You must include in your application the following signed statement concerning the validity of the statments and evidence that you have provided, your integrity in teaching and practice and your willingness to adhere to the ethical and professional standards of EMDR Europe:

"I confirm that all statements and evidence I have provided to the committee are truthful and accurate. I further confirm that at all times, I will behave with integrity in my teaching and practice, and that I will adhere to the ethical and professional standards and rules of EMDR Europe."

Please note: Your application does not commence until all the above information has been received.

June 2016



(Dette står EMDR Europa for)

IMPORTANT: If any written or recorded information is not in English, a translation must be provided.

1 Continuing Education in EMDR

  1. (a)  You must provide proof that you have undertaken a minimum of 50 hours’ continuing education in EMDR and/or psychotraumatology in the last 5 years. This must include attendance at 3 EMDR Europe conferences and 3 EMDR Europe trainers’ days. If your national organisation also holds national conferences, you must provide proof that you have attended at least one such conference in the last 3 years.

  2. (b)  You must state how you have kept up to date with the most recent developments in EMDR and related research.

2 Connection with the national EMDR organisation

  1. (a)  You must provide a letter from your national EMDR organisation that states that you are in good standing with that organisation.

  2. (b)  You must state what you have done during the last 5 years to support and promote your national organisation.

3 Participation in activities that promote EMDR

(a) You must state in writing how many training courses you have undertaken and how many participants you trained in the last 5 years.

  1. (b)  You must keep copies of all participant evaluation forms for the last 3 years and agree for them to be inspected by a member of the Standards Committee if required.

  2. (c)  You must keep records to show that all participants have completed at least 10 hours of supervision as part of their basic training and agree for them to be inspected by a member of the Standards Committee if required.

  3. (d)  You must provide examples of other activities besides your teaching of EMDR that show that you support the development of EMDR. (For example, membership of national or international EMDR bodies and workgroups, writing of articles and book chapters, undertaking scientific studies etc).

  4. (e)  You must state that you continue to devote at least 40% of your professional time to clinical practice (including supervision).


You must provide details of any complaints, if any, that have been made against you during the last 5 years and give details of the outcome of that complaint.

5 Ethical standing and Integrity

You must provide a statement about maintaining integrity in teaching and practice in psychotherapy and that you are willing to adhere to the ethical and professional standards of EMDR Europe. Your submition for reaccreditation as a trainer should conclude with the following statement:

"I confirm that all statements and evidence I have provided to the committee are truthful. I further confirm that I will continue to behave at all times with integrity in my teaching and practice, and that I will adhere to the ethical and professional standards and rules of EMDR Europe."

22. 05. 15




  • Info

    EMDR er blevet anerkendt af WHO som en af de bedste behandlingsterapier til behandling af især stress relaterede lidelser, foruden adskillige forskningsundersøgelser har vist, at EMDR er en af mest effektive terapier til behandling af PTSD.

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